Is your diesel having issues starting up? Do you hear a knocking noise? Is there blue colored smoke coming from your engine? Don't ingore the signs, those could all be signs of engine failure. One of the leading issues that lead to diesel engine failure is fuel contamination. Fuel contamination comes in different forms, but always has the same result - engine trouble and fuel system failures. Here’s what you need to know about fuel contamination with diesel trucks, from Blue Lakes Auto Repair in Twin Falls, ID.
Fuel economy isn't far from the minds of our Twin Falls drivers and we hear these questions daily such as: Why can certain cars zip along at close to 40 mpg while others are lucky to get anywhere near 20? As it turns out, there are as many factors that go into how well your ride does at the pumps! Here are the 10 factors that have the greatest impact on fuel consumption that we would like to share with you.
Fleet operators know that a day’s work can burn through a lot of fuel. When it comes to multiple vehicles, even a slight change in the way vehicles are used can make a huge difference towards saving fuel, and money as a result. Whether you manage diesel trucks, fleet cars, or both, a little bit of effort can sometimes go a long way.Blue Lakes Auto Repair in Twin Falls, ID has a few tips you can use to keep fuel consumption low, that you may be interested in implementing throughout your fleet.
If you operate a fleet of vehicles, you’ve probably listened to a vehicle and thought “that doesn’t sound right” at least once or twice. Strange noises are an indicator that something isn’t working right, and typically means something is wearing out a lot faster than it should, or is about to fail. At Blue Lakes Auto Repair in Twin Falls, ID, we can tell a lot about the condition of a vehicle just by listening to it. Specific noises and where they come from are often all you need to diagnose an issue and the severity of the problem. Here are some signs to listen out for.
A light on the dash that doesn't say - washer fluid is low immediately panics you right? It can happen when you don't keep up with standard maintenance and with older vehicles, you see it due to the age of the vehicle, however here at Blue Lakes Auto Repair in Twin Falls, we like to keep you driving happy and listening to your favorite songs or talking to friends and family worry-free! Here are some quick tips and hard lines in the sand that you do not need to ignore.
If there’s one thing we know at Blue Lakes Auto Repair in Twin Falls, ID, its the importance of a transmission. While engines get a lot of the spotlight in conversations about vehicles, we know that the transmission is the unsung hero of your automobile. We want you to know just how important it is, too.
Unless you use your vehicle to tow every day for work, odds are you haven’t paid much attention to your truck, SUV, or crossover’s towing capacity. Maybe you’re looking to buy a boat for some summer fun or just need to rent a trailer to get your belongings from one dwelling to the next. Whatever the reason for pulling something behind your vehicle, it’s important to get a firm grasp on what exactly your towing capacity means. Understanding how each of the components in your vehicle contributes to your overall tow rating can keep you from putting undue stress on your rig and keep you and your family safe.
At Blue Lakes Auto Repair in Twin Falls, ID, we know that hearing you need a new transmission is a dreaded affair. Here’s some advice from the transmission experts on how to prevent that day from coming.
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Twin Falls, ID 83301
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